Day 4.1: Energy project NY.PARIS.BERLIN

November 19, 2012 at

Germany, a country know for it’s engineering and technological advancements, decided to pull the plug on nuclear power in a state of controversy after Fukushima. The controversy lies in whether or not the alternatives are really any better. It is well understood that coal is not a good alternative with the state of air pollution and global warming and even as advanced as Germany is with green energy, (biomass, wind and solar) these alternatives are not always consistent and cannot currently meet all the energy needs for a country with nearly 82 million people. In the interim of phasing out nuclear power and pushing advancements in green energy, coal is the dirty man picked to do the job. I am convinced however that the newer coal plants being built in Germany are more efficient and cleaner than any of the old coal plants we rely on in the U.S. Germany took a stand on the topic rather than shrugging and saying, “It’s all bad!” This is commendable because very few countries have made a clear decision, stood by it and forced technological advancements to improve quality and accessibility.

Developing countries that do not have adequate electricity are under some of the worse possible conditions. Kerosene, still used by many, is not only extremely polluting but seriously unhealthy and causes many fatal respiratory problems. Energy is a topic that spans so many facets from poverty to pollution to politics and having an opinion matters. I point out the topic of poverty and lack of electricity because cost efficient, reliable, clean and most importantly accessible energy is the goal. No energy source is truly free without risks and consequences and so it should be important that we weigh the risks.

Further reading here- biased on one side of the debate or another because understanding both sides is important.

Angst or Arithmetic? Why Germans are so Skeptical about Nuclear Energy

Solar lamps replace toxic kerosene in poorest countries

Time For Change

The truth about Germany’s nuclear phase-out

Day 3/ Journée 3 Energy project NY.PARIS.BERLIN


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Have been reading The Radiance of France by Gabrielle Hecht in order to better research the international dialogue and opinions on the topic of nuclear power (for project). Tomorrow I will travel to one of France’s nuclear power plants. France … Continue reading