Day 5: Energy project NY.PARIS.BERLIN
A little cell phone documentation.
Starting at Gare L’est Paris traveling on the train to Nogent Sur-Seine. (Nogent Sur-Seine was chosen because of the recent controversy and break-in by Greenpeace activists- see previous post.) Miles away on the train I could see two cooling towers peaking over trees.
Once I got to Nogent Sur Seine, I was the only one who descended the train. I stood out lugging a giant backpack of camera gear through the industrial section of town. A French man approached me and asked what I was doing, “C’est un beau ciel!” I responded. The sky was a thick blue cloud of smoke and it was so humid that my cameras literally dripped with moisture. After the sun set, all I could see through the thick black sky was little tiny lights blinking on the top of the cooling towers. Tiny lights that appeared as eyes in the distance. After a 6 hour adventure, I climbed back on the train to Paris covered in mud.