I hardly ever think about gentrification’s effects on a city but certainly it is continuously happening, especially in cities like Berlin. Neukölln is experiencing this shift right now and definitely not without controversy. The more I study it the more I think about the large cranes that suddenly seem to dominate the skyline in Seattle. Although it may be quite a stretch to compare Seattle to Berlin, I notice the spaces of nothings are quickly becoming somethings.
Category Archives: Uncategorized
Mutated Butterflies
One of the latest discoveries. (NP project)
“There are those who receive as birthright an adequate or at least unquestioned sense of self and those who set out to reinvent themselves, for survival or for satisfaction, and travel far. Some people inherit values and practices as a house they inhabit; some of us have to burn down that house, find our own ground, build from scratch, even as a psychological metamorphosis.”
– Rebecca Solnit, A Field Guide to Getting Lost

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Russell Wrankle’s ceramic work is pretty amazing. I remember him saying during one of our critiques at Anderson Ranch Arts Center, “We are all wounded.”

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Longest day of the year. Getting ready for our open house exhibit tomorrow at Anderson Ranch Arts Center in Snowmass Village, CO
Ashcroft Colorado Installation

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View of my site specific installation in Ashcroft, Colorado. An American west ghost town (old silver mining town in the 1890’s) ©Abbey Hepner “What is socially peripheral is often symbolically central” Here is an article I recommend reading if you … Continue reading
“We ended up doing separate things and going separate ways,” said the singer. “That’s what I write about most of the time, the people who come in and out of our lives and the memories that you form around them,” said the singer” – Business World http://www.bworldonline.com/weekender/content.php?id=49838
Ben Howard – Black Flies (Original Version)
If you want the Nixon Remix, it can be found here