“My responsibility is toward my heart, not toward anybody else in the world. So is your responsibility only toward your own being. Don’t go against it, because going against it is committing suicide, is destroying yourself. And what is the gain? Even if people give you respect, and people think that you are a very sober, respectable, honorable man, these things are not going to nourish your being. They are not going to give you any more insight into life and its tremendous beauty.”
Monthly Archives: March 2013

This gallery contains 5 photos.
A Moment Of Silence. Yesterday I spent the 2 year anniversary of the devastating Tohoku tsunami in Tokyo remembering the people who lost their lives and supporting those fighting for a clean and peaceful future.
This weekend remember Fukushima
Tokyo Event March 10th and 11th: Peace On Earth
For those of you outside of Japan: The music festival entitled “ No Nukes 2013” on the 9th & 10th of March organized by Ryuichi Sakamoto featuring 16 acclaimed bands/artists united in their commitment to voice “LIVE without Nuclear Power”, will be live-streamed via Ustream. HERE
The illusion of separateness we create in order to utter the words ‘I am’ is part of our problem in the modern world. We have always been far more a part of great patterns on the globe than our fearful egos can tolerate knowing… To preserve nature is to preserve the matrix through which we can experience our souls and the soul of the planet.”– Walter Christie, Psychology as if the Whole Earth Mattered
After Fukushima: families on the edge of meltdown
After Fukushima: families on the edge of meltdown
“We are all responsible,” she says. “We voted for the plant to be built, we wanted the material benefits it would bring.”